Useful Information
Here you will find information that is somewhat related to probiotic or fermented foods or is otherwise useful. I hope that you find it to be helpful.
Washing Produce
We all know that it is very important to wash our produce. We need to remove dirt, chemicals, bacteria, and many other contaminants that make the food unhealthy to eat. Your best option is to grow your own produce and then to purchase organic produce, but even these have contaminants that must be washed off.
I found a blog post at that gives directions for three less toxic ways to clean your produce. The author states that these methods will also make your produce last longer when you store it. You may find this blog post here. I am definitely going to try these. I hope you find the information useful.
By Tia Lee
Hi Tia,
And I do plant my own veg or I go to the farmer(s) for organic veg/fruits.
I find washing the veg/fruits by soaking them in vinegar water works better. I don’t like using any bleach for my food. Eewww..
Hi Jenn,
I do not like to use bleach, either. I have been using hydrogen peroxide, which seems to work well. I like using vinegar, as well, for veggies and for other cleaning. I love to grow my own veggies, and I am glad to hear you do, too. You are fortunate to have farms that grow organic foods near you. That is difficult to find near me. I also love going to farmers’ markets, because things are fresher and you can find out how the produce was grown. I also sometimes sell produce at our local farmers’ market, which is really fun. Thank you for stopping by my site and for commenting.